

投资50万美金申请EB-5投资移民签证, 一年内全家(配偶及21岁以下子女)拿绿卡即可到美国!  五年后即可申请公民!

投资美国移民局批准的优质项目, 可拿回投资的50万本金以及一定投资回报! 投资有风险, 但投资项目由EB-5投资移民区域中心介绍, 风险大大降低!





Investment immigration visa to the U.S.!


Invest $500,000, get a Green Card & live with your family in the U.S. within a year! Apply for citizenship after 5 years!


Invest in high quality US Immigration approved projects and get repaid the principal and interest. Investments have risks, but they are minimized since the investments are handled by the EB-5 Investment Regional Centers.














我们团队包括三位成功的美国商人, 每位都具有超过35年在美经商投资的经验, 还包括一位具有丰富国内金融经验的华人和曾经多次成功解决过棘手美国签证问题专家. 我们团队对中美经济文化和移民都有十分深入的了解.


我们将为您提供区域中心的详细信息, 帮助您分析投资项目的质量和利弊, 协助您及时准备完整资料, 并为您和家人以后到美国后的安家立业提供实用建议.







Let us help you!


Our team includes three successful American business owners, each of them have more than 35 years of experience in business and investment, our EB-5 facilitator is Chinese American who has substantial experience in Chinese banking, and an expert who has successfully tackled many tough immigration problems. We have a deep understanding about the Chinese and American economy, culture and immigration.


We will provide detailed information about the EB5 application and act as facilitators between you and the Regional Centers. We also help you analyze the quality, advantages and disadvantages of different projects. We help you prepare and translate required documents. We will also provide you practical suggestions about living in the U.S. after you and your family move here. 












EB-5始于1990, 投资人投资50-100万美金,创造10名就业机会, 之后申请人及其配偶和21岁以下子女将获得绿卡.


每年名额10,000, 但因为程序复杂, 条件苛刻, 名额从来用不完. 美国政府已经对程序做了一定调整,以便更多人申请. 他们成立了区域中心,组织投资并协助投资人管理, 这样投资人就不用自己去找投资项目, 自己找来的投资又不一定通过审查. 而区域中心提供的投资项目均由美国移民局批准. 95%EB-5签证都是通过区域中心的申请, 通过区域中心提交的申请得到优先处理.


这个区域中心法案于20129月底失效,奥巴马政府续签了三年. 所以要抓住机会!





Background of EB-5:


Investment visa EB-5 is now the second fastest way to get U.S. green card. (Marriage is still the fastest way).


EB-5 started in 1990. Investors make investment of $500,000 to $1,000,000 which creates at least 10 jobs, in order to get green cards for the investor, her/his spouse and their children who are under 21.


The U.S. allows maximum of 10,000 EB-5 visas per year, yet the maximum had never been reached due to the complex procedure and tough requirements. The U.S. government has now adjusted the procedure to attract more investors. Regional Centers were set up to connect your money with US projects. Now, investors do not have to find and manage investment by themselves anymore. All projects provided by regional centers are approved by USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services). 95% of EB-5 visas were applied through the regional centers. Applications through regional centers enjoy priority treatment.


The Regional Center Provision was expired at the end of Sep.2012, Obama administration has signed into law extending it for another 3 years, so don’t wait!


Currently, 55% of investors are Chinese.








1. 填写提交申请书及其相关文件, 比如资金来源证明等.


2.上交文件后,资金就要划过来. 有两个选择:


    a.资金放在区域中心, 绿卡批下来, 用于投资; 批不下来,退还投资人(包括中介费)

b.资金放在结算中介, (大概$5,000费用), 申请批下来资金转给区域中心; 批不下来,



3. 审批时间大约为6-8个月.


4. 审批后, 如果投资人在美国, 绿卡在美国领取; 如果人在中国, 到领事馆领取.


5. 领取绿卡后可以在美国任何地方居住. 此时拿的是临时绿卡.


6. 临时绿卡签发21个月后, 申请取消绿卡的投资前提条件, 变临时绿卡为永久绿卡.    

    由区域中心证明投资项目创造就业机会的情况. 审批时间为3 ---4.


7. 审批过后, 临时绿卡变永久绿卡.


8. 本金由被投资方退还投资人. 投资回报取决于项目.


9. 根据美国移民法, 每位投资人的50万美金必须投资在具有一定风险的项目, 否则就不能用于申请EB-5. 也就是说, 投资人不是用这50万美金买绿卡. 但因为这些项目都经过了移民局批准并由各区域中心介绍, 这大大降低了投资风险.







1.     Prepare application forms and all other documents required, such as proof of funds source.


2.     Funds need to be transferred to the U.S. once the application is filed. There are two choices for the funds during this period:

a.     Keep funds with the Regional Center. Funds will be used in chosen project once the application is approved; funds will be returned to the investor (including fees) if the application is rejected.

b.     Keep funds with Escrow till the application is approved (fee about $5,000). The rest is the same with a.


3.     Approval takes about 6-8 months.


4.     Investors get conditional green cards once the application is approved.


5.     Investors & their family can live anywhere in the U.S. with this green card.


6.     Investors can apply for removing the conditions in order to turn the Green Card into a permanent one 21 months later. The regional center will provide documents that prove the project has provided certain amount of jobs. Approval takes about 3-4 months.


7.     Investors get a permanent green card once this application is approved.


8.     Investors’ investments get repaid the principal and potential interest depending on the project.


9.     As per US-Immigration Law, the funds ($500,000) must be invested in projects that carry some risks or it would not qualify for an EB5 visa. You are not buying a Green Card. However, since the Regional Centers handle the investments, the risks are minimized.  







1. 区域中心手续费$30,000

2. 绿卡申请费$1,500, 移除投资条件申请费:$3,750

3. 如果申请人要求律师参与准备资料,费用大概是$10,000

4. 如果申请人要求资金先划到结算中介, 费用大概是$5,000

5. 投资回报为当地市场有竞争力的比率, 按月付给申请人

6. 我们为区域中心工作, 不收取额外费用.





1.     Regional center fee: $30,000


2.     Application fees for conditional green card: $1,500;


3.     Remove conditions: $3,750


4.     Legal fee will be about $10,000 if investor wants to have a US lawyer to take part in preparing documents. Escrow fee is about $5,000 if investor needs it.


5.     Investment return is competitive market return that will be paid each month.


6.    We are facilitators for the  Regional Center, we do not charge extra for our services.






                                                                             核准              核准率

I-526 临时绿卡                                                  3002               79%

I-829 转永久绿卡                                                639               94%    





2012 first three quarters:

                                                                          approved          success rate 

I-526 conditional green card                               3002               79%

I-829 permanent green card                                  639                94%    


Mike Parish
VP, Sales
Patty McCabe
VP, Operations
DingDing Wang
VP, EB5 & Accounting
Valentin Caspaar
President, Strategies

QBX Inc., Business Consultants
EIN#: 91-1707420
P.O. Box 58547, Seattle Washington 98138;
Tel: 206-721-3358 Fax: 206-721-0198
http://www.qbx.net/qbx/index.htm   E-mail DingDing Wang

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